This really belongs more in an FAQ or something, but then it would just be the one and only "Frequently Asked Question" (well... OCCASIONALLY Asked Question... okay, Rarely Asked But Still The Most Asked Question), so for now, it'll just go here. You may be wondering, "What does the title ' Rugg' mean?" Is it a place/state of mind, like Bloom County? Is it a character, like Calvin or Hobbes? Is it some kind of euphemism? It's not a stupid pun, is it? The answer is: I'm not telling, but you're welcome to guess. I will say that it's something directly related to the cartoon, but it's really more fun to leave just what it is, exactly, up in the air.
One thing I can say that it for sure doesn't refer to is my last name, somebody in my family's last name, or the last name of voice actor Paul Rugg, who some may remember as a frequent guest voice on "Animaniacs" and the voice of the title character on "Freakazoid." Sorry to disappoint you, Paul Rugg fans. Okay, I guess that's three things.